MMC - Macy Macy Corp
MMC stands for Macy Macy Corp
Here you will find, what does MMC stand for in Business under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Macy Macy Corp? Macy Macy Corp can be abbreviated as MMC What does MMC stand for? MMC stands for Macy Macy Corp. What does Macy Macy Corp mean?The Business company falls under retail category and is located in Denver, Colorado.
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Alternative definitions of MMC
- Multi Mini Capacitor
- Multimedia Card
- Multi Media Card
- Microsoft Management Console
- Microsoft Management Console
- Microsoft Management Console
- Mitsubishi Motors Corporation
- Metal Matrix Composite
View 433 other definitions of MMC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- MDS Merchant Data Systems
- MDMSI MDM Systems Inc.
- MBSMG MB Stone for Marble and Granite
- MALAC MA Langue Au Chat
- MARC Miami Anatomical Research Center
- ME The Money Edge
- MTP Mike Thrasher Presents
- MIHS Merritt Island High School
- MRSM MR Sheet Metal
- MHS Martinsville High School
- MTFBSS MTF Business Solutions Sa
- MCC Momentum Christian Church
- MHICA Mental Health Institute for Children and Adults
- MDS Mosca Direct Spain
- MCC Medical Cosmetic Center
- MPTC Maryland Proton Treatment Center
- MMH Magnet Media Holding